How to Get Ideas for Blog Posts Every Day


How to Get Ideas for Blog Posts Every DayHaving a blog can be an amazing source of leads for your business. Once you get your blog set up, you need to know how to get ideas for blog posts every day. Even if you don’t blog every day, you still need fresh ideas for new posts or your blog will die a slow death. (Dramatic, but true!)

There are endless ways to get ideas for blog posts, but sometimes you get in a rut. It feels like you’ve talked about everything to do with your business. You stare at the blank page or the white screen and think you’ll never have a fresh idea again.

Never fear! This post will tell you how to get ideas for blog posts every single day.

Ask Yourself, “What Do I Want to Know?”

Is there anything you’ve been wanting to know lately? Are you wondering about the latest social media plug ins, how to get more leads, or how to spend less time on your business and make more money? Chances are if you are wondering about these things, so is your audience. Do some research, come up with answers, and share them with your followers. When you help other people this way, you’ll connect with them right away over a shared problem.

When you write this type of blog post, share your research, statistics, pictures, charts, and any evidence you have to prove what you found. Pictures and charts are engaging and entertaining. You can include an affiliate link if there is one to make money from your post while you’re serving your followers and posting new blog content.

Review Your Competition

Are there other blogs in your niche that you follow or spy on for ideas? I do! 😉 Keep a list of them and use them for new content. There are a couple ways to do this.

The obvious way is to get ideas for blog posts from them. If other bloggers are posting about a topic, chances are good your audience will be interested, too. Go one step further and look at their posts that get the most comments and social shares. These are hot topics that people in your niche are wondering about and sharing with their friends. Write your own blog post on these topics.

The less obvious thing to do is to collaborate with your “competition”. Find other bloggers just starting out or in the same place as you. Instead of competing, find ways to collaborate. Working online can be lonely and they might love the opportunity to work with you. They might be looking for ways to reach more people. Reach out and ask if they want to do an interview for your followers. You could do guest posts on each other’s blogs or promote each other’s information products.

Remember to have an abundance mentality. This is your opportunity to grow your network and your skills. Don’t worry about your followers joining someone else. Focus on providing useful content and genuine service to them. The best thing for them might be to hear from someone else on a certain topic.

Use to Get Blog Post Ideas

I recently learned this strategy and can’t believe I didn’t think of it before. Go to Change the search bar to search in Books. Search for your topic or keyword. If you’re blogging about network marketing, search for that. If you’re blogging about health or fitness search for those terms. You can narrow it down, too. Instead of Fitness, search for 30 Day Workout Plan.

When the search results come up, analyze the book titles, the star rating, and the reviews. Look for a book on your topic, with good star ratings (4 or better), and a lot of reviews. The titles can give you good ideas for blog headlines. Remember, never copy someone else’s work. Use the keywords or format to generate your own catchy title.

Click into a good book and look for the “Look Inside” feature, where Amazon will show you the first few pages of the book. You’re looking for the table of contents. Read the table of contents for more blog post ideas. You could use each individual topic or relate them to your niche. (I’m about half way through Romi’s book and it’s awesome).

how to get ideas for blog posts - amazon look inside

Next, read the reviews. Look for common themes. What do people repeat over and over — things they LIKED in the book, things they didn’t like about the book, or topics they WISH had been covered in the book. These are all sources for more blog post ideas.

Side note for blog ideas that make money: If the book is appropriate for your audience, link back to it and make affiliate commissions.

Podcasts for Blog Post Ideas

Podcasts are HOT right now! I love listening to them when I’m alone in my car, exercising, or doing something mindless, like the dishes. Find podcasts in your niche and figure out how to get blog post ideas from their topics. If you blog about network marketing, I like Ray Higdon’s podcast, Home Business Profits. He does one every day, so there are lots of ideas for posts.

These four fun blogging ideas should be enough to get keep you busy for awhile. If you have more ideas, share with us in the comments. If this post showed you how to get ideas for blog posts, please share it!

Kari Baxter

Kari Baxter

P.S. If you’re interested in working with me, message me here.


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